Reload 500ml: 90,000Ks
Reload 1L: 170,000Ks
Reload 4L: 650,000Ks
The time has finally come. You’ve asked, we’ve been working tirelessly. Here is the long-awaited update to our legendary silica sealant: Reload.
Preserving the same ease of application, we managed to improve everything about Reload’s performance. In essence: more gloss, extended durability, improved chemical and environmental resistances.
Originally formulated to maintain the protection and finish quality of CQUARTZ coatings, Reload has also proven itself as a standalone sealant, where it can offer up to 3 months of protection on daily drivers. Reload’s easy to use waterborne formula can be applied to all vehicle surfaces (even when damp), making it perfect for quickly topping up your vehicle’s protection and shine.
Preserving the same ease of application, we managed to improve everything about Reload’s performance. In essence: more gloss, extended durability, improved chemical and environmental resistances.
Measure is our new and easy way of precisely measuring concentrated liquids for dilution.
The New 2020 CQUARTZ Professional has been designed for enhanced protection of clear coat painted surfaces as well as plastic components.
Essence+ is a unique SiO2 nano coating made from a distinct blend of ceramic coat repair agents, high gloss quartz resins, and hydrophobic nanoparticles.